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The last book I read was ‘The Paradise Room’ by Belinda Jones, which is about a girl named Amber who is whisked away by her perfect boyfriend to the blissful islands of Tahiti. The only problem is, Amber isn’t keen. She’s the sort of girl who prefers big jumpers and rain to bikinis and sun-soaked beaches, but the prospect of meeting up again with her long lost friend Felicity, however, sways Amber to go. Within hours of arriving, the two best friends are enticed and mesmerised by the music and sexy dancers at a bar named The Paradise Room, and from this moment forward Amber begins to question her cosy existence in her simple life back home…
I chose this book for two reasons-
1) I am a huge fan of Belinda Jones’s work, mainly because she writes with such enthusiasm for the locations her books are set. I love chick lit, but this is holiday chick lit and perfect escapism. If I were an author, this exactly the sort of literature I’d imagine myself writing.
2) The book is set in Tahiti and although I’ve never been to Tahiti, I did have the pleasure of reading this book against the stunning backdrop of the Maldives! While Belinda’s other books have transported me away in my imagination only (or even taken me back to a time where I was holidaying in the destination she’s describing), this time round I felt fully immersed – with the warm sun against my skin, book in one hand, cocktail in the other.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a story of romance in paradise!