Quirky little gifts from Old English Company

It’s been a while since I’ve written about anything delightfully quirky so I thought I’d give y’all a little treat for your eyeballs – and perhaps a bit of gift giving inspiration! Old English Company are a stationery and homeware brand who create simple but stylishly quirky hand lettered designs, from prints and cards to mugs and pillowcases.

Having a little browse around I found some stuff that makes me happy, so I thought I would share that happy.

Everything is better in pyjamas

Everything is better in pyjamas. Who knew pillowcases were so wise? I totally support this statement and as I went to work in my pyjamas on Halloween I can confirm that this is 100% true.

Another saying I can totally get on board with would be this one – when life gives you lemons make a gin and tonic – on this lovely little coaster perfect for resting a cool glass of G&T on.

If anyone wants me I’ll be right over here in my PJs drinking gin and tonic ok?

When life gives you lemons make a gin and tonic

Of course I’m going to have to include something travel related in here too aren’t I? I love this print of Australia (and you know how much I love Australia!). I like that it has various places in Australia written inside the shape of the country. So clever!

Quirky little gifts from Old English Company

And for my animal loving peeps there’s some super cute tiger stuff to adorn yourself and your surroundings with, including these pins. I can’t decide which one I like best out of the two below… infact there’s quite a few enamel pins that take my fancy!

Old English Company enamel pins - tiger themed

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