26 things I love about Australia

The iconic Sydney Opera House

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In celebration of it being Australia Day in Oz right now (26th January… well they are ahead of the rest of the world!), and because I have a massive travel crush on The Land Down Under, I have decided to dedicate this post to 26 things I love about Australia!

26 things I love about Australia

1. My Aussie Family
Of course number 1 has to be my rellies. I’m often told by my UK-based family how much like my Aussie Aunt I am. And my cousin and her family were awesome to let us stay with them when we visited Melbourne. How could they not be number one!

2. Kangaroos and Wallabies
True Aussie icons. I absolutely adored visiting Brolga’s Kangaroo Sanctuary after being an avid viewer of the show Kangaroo Dundee. We got to meet Brolga himself and cuddled a little joey! I also loved feeding the wallabies at the Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas – they were too cute!

Brolga aka Kangaroo Dundee with baby Hope. Photo by Hayley at Quirky Little Planet

3. Koalas
How could I not include another icon on this list – the koala! They are so flippin’ cute! I was lucky enough to cuddle one first time round in Port Douglas. But I also enjoyed seeing them on Phillip Island and at Steve Irwin’s Australia Zoo.

Koala at Australia Zoo

4. Tim Tams
The first time I tried a Tim Tam I dismissed it as a glorified McVitie’s Penguin biscuit (soz Australia but you know Tim Tams were based on Penguins right?). But then I discovered all the different flavours beyond just milk chocolate and I was hooked… peanut butter, dark chocolate raspberry, salted caramel – I could go on.

5. Thorny Devils
Thorny Devils are freaking cool! I think lizards are pretty cool anyway but the thorny devil is the most awesome of the bunch – they’re covered in spines and are able to drink through their skin! I got to see them when I was in Alice Springs.

Thorny Devil - Quirky Little Planet

6. Rottnest Island and the Quokkas
Google ‘the happiest animal in the world’ and you are sure to find pictures of quokkas – adorable smiley little mammals that can be found in the wild in just a couple of places in the world, one of which is Rottnest Island. Rotto (as it’s known by the locals) is a picture postcard island of white sand, turquoise sea and most importantly, no cars. The best way to get around is to cycle!

The stunning white sand and turquoise seas of Rottnest Island

7. The Daintree Rainforest and the Cassowaries
And similarly if you google ‘worlds most dangerous bird’, the top answer will be the cassowary. I didn’t realise how significant this was at the time but we actually got within a few metres of a wild cassowary in the Daintree Rainforest!

Cassowary in the Daintree Rainforest Australia

8. Sunshine
I am British. We talk about the weather. And yes I know Australia isn’t always hot and sunny but when you’re writing this on a cold and rainy January night in England remembering that just 3 months ago you were basking in the warm and fuzzy glow of the Australian sunshine, then it would be rude not to mention it.

9. Neighbours
When people ask what soaps I watch and I say “Neighbours”, their usual response is something like “Oh I haven’t watched that since I was at school! Are Karl and Susan still in it?”. Well, yes. Yes they are. And I got to meet the legend that is Karl Kennedy aka Alan Fletcher at Neighbours Night in St Kilda. AND I did the Neighbours Tour stopping by Ramsay Street and it was awesome!

Neighbours tv show tour bus

10. Sydney
Sydney is the city with it all – business, shopping, harbours, beaches, parks – and the most iconic of all Australian landmarks, the Sydney Opera House! I would love to spend New Year there one day…

The iconic Sydney Opera House

11. The Blue Mountains
Located around a 2 hour train journey from Sydney are the spectacular Blue Mountains. They are called the Blue Mountains because of the eucalyptus trees that populate the area that disperse oil droplets into the atmosphere which together with water vapour and dust particles scatter rays of light which are a hue of blue.

The Blue Mountains

12. Laid-back Attitude
It’s true what they say, those Aussies are a pretty laid-back bunch with the whole “no worries” attitude. I absolutely love how informal everything is too and it’s not just the spoken word that gets abbreviated. For example, seeing the word ‘rego’ instead of ‘registration’ on something formal – that would never happen anywhere else! And not forgetting their liberal use of the word ‘bloody’. I bloody love it!

13. Aboriginal Culture
When I visited the Northern Territory I got see the magnificent Uluru and learn a little about Australia’s indigenous culture, their art, their way of life and spirituality. Did you know that boomerangs were traditionally used for hunting?

Aboriginal art at Uluru

14. The Great Barrier Reef
When you are travelling, you always remember those ‘wow’ moments, and snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef truly was one of those moments. My anxiety about the big deep ocean was soon forgotten at my first site of a fish.

Snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef

15. Port Douglas
A pretty little town in Queensland with a stunning four mile beach and the atmosphere like you’re in a movie set based in some tropical paradise. I’ve often joked about packing up and moving to Port Douglas to become a beach hippy.

Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas

16. Fairy Penguins
Aka Little Penguins. One of the best places to see these wild penguins is at the Penguin Parade on Phillip Island where you can watch the little guys come ashore to their burrows at dusk each night. Really something special!

17. Rainbow Lorikeets
Rainbow lorikeets are a species of parrot found in Australia and they are super duper pretty and colourful. I saw them at the Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas and Australia Zoo.

Rainbow Lorikeet, Port Douglas

18. The Wildlife
Actually, although I’ve already mentioned the likes of kangaroos and thorny devils, I think I have a bit of a fascination with Australian animals in general – be it the sounds of the native birds singing, seeing the galahs in the trees, the bizarre-looking egg-laying mammal the duck billed platypus or big fat cuddly wombats (whose poop is square, FYI). I think I missed my calling in life to become an Australian zookeeper!

The Handbook of Australian Wildlife

19. Chocolate Macadamias
Mmm so moreish! Of course you can eat the macadamia nuts on their own but everything is so much better when it’s covered in chocolate!

20. Aussie Legends
Some of the best celebrities have come straight outta the land down under, I love a bit of Hugh Jackman and Kylie Minogue. And how could we not include the late, great legendary crocodile hunter himself, Steve Irwin. Crikey!

At Australia Zoo in my safari animal print dress

21. Watching the sun rise and set over Aussie Landmarks
The first time I visited Australia I saw the sun rise and set over the famous Sydney Opera House and my husband even had my photos printed on canvas for me. The second time I was lucky enough to visit Australia (I’m like a boomerang – I just keep coming back!) I witnessed the sun rise and set over Uluru, although it was quite cloudy it was still pretty magnificent.

Sydney Opera House at sunset by Quirky Little Planet

22. Shopping
Specifically City Beach and Jay Jays. They got me out of a spot of bother when my bikini broke and all my shoes hurt my feet!

23. Limited Edition Mars Brownie and Snickers Rocky Nut Road
Hello! Why don’t we have these in the UK? They were soooo good. Mars Brownie was my favourite… oh I’m craving one right now!

Australian Mars Brownie and Snickers Rocky Road

24. This Song…
All because of this bit-
“I said, “Do you speak-a my language?”
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich”

25. And This Advert…
There’s nothing like Australiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

26. And this amazing occurrence…
While we were having lunch at a pub in Alice Springs, I noticed that the froth in my husband’s pint of beer had taken the shape of Australia! How very appropriate!

Map of Australia found in pint of beer - Photo by quirkylittleplanet.com
It’s the map of Australia! (minus Tasmania, sorry)

Have you been to Australia? If so, what do you love about it? Leave me a comment below or tweet me @quirkylilplanet

And if you enjoyed this post, like it, share it and then check out my Australia board on Pinterest!

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  1. I love the Men Down Under song for that exact same reason!


    1. quirkylittleplanet

      It’s a guilty pleasure haha!

  2. I hope to make it to lovely Australia some day. It’s a gorgeous country. I just hopped over from Suzie’s blog party.


  3. Hi Shellie, thanks for reading! Australia is one of my favourites 🙂

  4. Now you’ve gone and got me all nostalgic! Love Oz and it’s been too long since we’ve been there. Spent my most memorable birthday ever snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef.

    1. Ahh thanks for reading. Australia is such an amazing country isn’t it?

  5. You forgot to mention the pies! If you want to read my Aussie adventures, have a browse around my blog sometime http//travelrat.wordpress.com

    1. Don’t hate me but I didn’t even try the pies. To be honest I’m not the biggest fan of pies anyway but I will defo check out your blog 🙂

  6. I lived in Australia for 17 years – it’s a fabulous place (just a long way away)

    1. Oh wow! Where abouts did you live?

      1. I was in Melbourne, then Sydney, then we went back to Melbourne and headed down the coast for a few years. Loved it all 🙂

        1. Sounds wonderful. I have family in Melbourne but I do love Sydney too 🙂

  7. Men at Work, wow. Flashback. I saw them in concert at Hollywood Bowl in California. “I come from a land Down Under.”

    1. Haha awesome!

  8. Oh this made my heart ache for Australia so much. God I miss that country. And I totally feel you on the Tim Tams! I had more than my fair share when I was out there. Sydney is the place I fell in love with though, I wish I could stay there forever. I spent a year there and it still wasn’t enough. You have to go there for New Year if you ever get the chance. It’s the best celebration you’ll ever be a part of 😀

    1. I would absolutely love to visit Sydney for New Year. It’s just a shame it’s so far away! One day…

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