Hello! My name is Hayley.

I’m a Kent based blogger living with my lovely husband, cute baby daughter and spoilt pet cat.

I started this blog as a creative outlet and a way of sharing my travel memories. As an enthusiast of the weird and wonderful I enjoy quirky travel experiences such as that time I visited a Japanese Maid Cafe or when I got offered a job at Spy Academy.

As well as hopping on a plane to faraway lands, I also enjoy simpler things closer to home such as days out in Kent and London.

My interests also include the animal kingdom, nature and trying to live in a more eco-conscious way, so expect to see a bit of that here. Oh and you’ll find a fair bit of cat content too!

Some fun facts about me –

♥  I was born on April Fools Day.

♥  I can lick my own elbow. The only other person I know who can do this is my brother – we’re thinking of taking this talent on the road and joining the circus haha.

♥  I’m distantly related to William Shakespeare on my mum’s side and King James III, IV and V on my dad’s side! I am neither rich, famous or talented so I don’t know what happened there!

If you like my blog you can also find me on instagram or email me at quirkylittleplanet@outlook.com


  1. Jessica @ passion_4travel

    just found your blog and LOVE it! keep up the great work! and i also love the simplicity of it! mine was super simple like yours, and i’ve recently switched it up a bit (actually a LOT), and now im reconsidering, haha. check mine out.

    thanks a lot!!! look forward to reading more of your posts! 🙂

    1. Hey thank you so much for stopping by and for the feedback. I’m fairly new to blogging (and not very good at continuing with things I start) but the positive comments really spur me on! I just had a little read of your blog (have now added it to my internet favourites) I really like it! You sound alot like me and your Life List is really inspiring – reminds me of things I would like to do that I hadn’t quite realised! 🙂

  2. Thanks for following my blog! I look forward to following yours! Keep up the great work and best of luck with your travels 🙂

    1. Thank you very much. Your blog is very inspiring, I look forward to reading more!

  3. Many thanks for the nomination – I’m very flattered! I have already done the Liebster Challenge which can be found here – http://quirkylittleplanet.wordpress.com/2013/03/12/the-liebster-blog-award/

  4. I found you at Suzie’s blog party and your blog is fabulous. Love your title. Enjoyed reading about the places you’ve visited. Hope you get to see many more.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I’m off to check your blog out now!

  5. Hello Hayley! I’ve decided to read and follow 10 interesting and new blogs a day every day of May 2015, and yours is today’s #10! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Happy new year and happy blogging!

    1. Hi Jacob! Thanks very much for reading and commenting. I’ll be sure to check out your blog too. Have a great weekend!

  6. It was nice to “meet” you today at Steve’s party. I look forward to reading more of your posts and following your adventures. Happy blogging and travels, Cheryl

    1. Thank you, you too. I have subscribed to your blog – looking forward to reading more of your adventures!

  7. Thanks for following along on my adventures. I look forward to seeing where your travels take you!

  8. just found your blog from the blog party and I like it. thanks for making us a part of your life

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting 🙂 Will head over to check your blog out in a mo!

  9. Love your blog header. It’s so quirky and cute! 😉

    1. Thanks so much, I’ve just done a blog refresh so nice to receive feedback!

      1. You’re welcome. Keep up the quirkiness 😀

  10. Hey, amazing pictures the ones on your blog 🙂

  11. HI there :-). Your blog looks interesting and so inviting. Looking forward to read more from you.

  12. Thanks for the compliment and thanks for reading! 🙂

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