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Orange World Gift Shop – Kissimmee, Florida
If you’ve ever been to Kissimmee then you will know about the assortment of quirky gift shops that line the Highway 192 – the mermaid, the wizard, the giant animals, amongst others – and no doubt you will have popped in to one or two of them for a bargain price souvenir.
But my favourite gift shop on the 192 has to be Orange World – the world’s largest orange! We decided to go for a little drive one evening and explore the Kissimmee area and couldn’t resist the draw of parking up next to a massive orange at the side of the road.
Behold the orange!
As we approached the entrance to the shop we were greeted by a member of staff (or possibly even the owner) who said as they would be closing in a little while, would we like some free of charge orange and grapefruit segments? Well, who were we to say no! Can’t beat a bit of Florida citrus.
At this point I was wondering whether everything within the shop was just orange coloured or orange flavoured, of course much of it was, but there were other fabulous and tacky gifts to be bought.
As I mentioned before when I wrote about the world’s largest gift shop in Las Vegas, I can be quite impulsive when I am on holiday, so of course the excitement of free fruit plus a shop shaped like an orange got the better of me and I ended up purchasing some ridiculous tat…
A mariachi seashell band.
Grow your own pet flamingo.
Don’t judge me. And don’t ask why. But what is a grow your own flamingo? I hear you ask. Well, you pop the little egg into some water and in a couple of days it hatches!
So what about you? What fabulous tat have you purchased in a moment of madness when on vacation? Leave me a comment below or you can email me at quirkylittleplanet@gmail.com and write your own guest post!